Larry and I took a shuttle to the International Airport at
6:30 AM for our 9:40 AM flight on Jetstar Airlines arriving in Queenstown, New
Zealand at 2:30pm. The flight was super smooth.
Yes, those are snowcapped mountains and glaciers.
The views from the airplane of New Zealand were spectacular.
KIWI LAND....Magnificent!
The aircraft passed over numerous mountain ranges and lakes giving us an incredible view while approaching Queenstown.
Getting through the huge immigration and environmental safety inspection took over an hour....they were extremely thorough.
Yes, those are snowcapped mountains and glaciers.
The views from the airplane of New Zealand were spectacular.
KIWI LAND....Magnificent!
The aircraft passed over numerous mountain ranges and lakes giving us an incredible view while approaching Queenstown.
Getting through the huge immigration and environmental safety inspection took over an hour....they were extremely thorough.
Hound dogs sniffed
our bags and x-ray machines carefully inspected everything that we brought to
assure that fruit, vegetables, meats, nuts and seeds were not brought into New
Zealand. This was the most intense inspection that we have ever been through in
all of our travels. It was amazing to see the dog find an apple in one
gentleman’s bag. We were warned on our flight that a hefty $400.00 fine could
be imposed.
Our Kiwi friends, Terry and Karen....WHAT FINE FOLKS!
Terry and Karen Wilkins met us at the entrance of the
airport. They took us to their home in Frankton on Lake Wakatipu and gave us a quick tour of the area. What scenery! A
gorgeous setting for a home on the lake
with towering mountains all around….lots of walking trails and lake
activities going on.
What a view out our front door....I don't think we need to go anywhere else for great mountain scenery!
Our home away from home.....a little piece of New Zealand paradise.
They left us their car and their red Honda 1800 Gold Wing Motorcycle to enjoy for the next 14 days. Now how wonderful was that?

What a view out our front door....I don't think we need to go anywhere else for great mountain scenery!
Our home away from home.....a little piece of New Zealand paradise.
They left us their car and their red Honda 1800 Gold Wing Motorcycle to enjoy for the next 14 days. Now how wonderful was that?
Terry and Karen left us….to return to their farm that was 1.5 hours to the south. We unpacked and made a quick trip to the grocery store for some supplies. It was so wonderful to have a good home cooked meal that evening….roasted chicken, fresh corn on the cob and baked potatoes never tasted so good. Eating out for weeks makes a home cooked meal taste delicious.
Thursday, Larry and I loaded the motorcycle for a six day
tour with Terry’s motorcycle group, Wakatipu Club. Terry was so nice to make the hotel
arrangements for us to meet up with his riding friends. Many were working half
a day on Thursday and did not plan to leave until 2:00.
Larry and I headed out at noon. We really wanted to be able to stop along the way to take pictures…as well as have a few extra hours to get used to the bike as well as driving on left side of the road.
Look at that grin....definitely in New Zealand Heaven!
Larry and I headed out at noon. We really wanted to be able to stop along the way to take pictures…as well as have a few extra hours to get used to the bike as well as driving on left side of the road.
Look at that grin....definitely in New Zealand Heaven!
Larry immediately decided that we must cross over the Crown
Terrace and pass through Cardrona…the curvy mountainous road that we took on
our previous trip to the South Island.
OH MY! Was that a crazy curvy spectacular ride? Larry certainly knows how to jump right into giving me a thrill or two!
Really hard to capture those curves....but I can testify that it was SOME RIDE!
OH MY! Was that a crazy curvy spectacular ride? Larry certainly knows how to jump right into giving me a thrill or two!
Really hard to capture those curves....but I can testify that it was SOME RIDE!
We followed this back road through some of the most
fantastic scenery stopping for a late picnic lunch along the way, at the old Cardrona Hotel.
We were enjoying riding back down memory lane....only this time on a bike!
We caught Route 6 Passing through Wanaka. I hopped off the bike to wonder over next to Lake Wanaka to get a closer picture of the mountains and lake….upon returning…..Larry was talking with a car of three women who were asking for a ride on his motorcycle. I CAN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR A MINUTE!
This place brought back so great memories!
What a fantastic ride along the lake! Magnificent!
We are definitely in New Zealand Heaven!
Look at the color of that glacier gorgeous!
We caught Route 6 Passing through Wanaka. I hopped off the bike to wonder over next to Lake Wanaka to get a closer picture of the mountains and lake….upon returning…..Larry was talking with a car of three women who were asking for a ride on his motorcycle. I CAN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR A MINUTE!
On we motored stopping at Makarora for gas….I went into the
little shop to look at the postcards and New Zealand souvenirs when Larry came in with another
woman….OH MY GOSH!...she was dressed head to toe in leather and had short spiky
blond hair. Has MY MAN been picked up again?
Larry quickly says, “ Hey Kay, this is Jenny”……I think….I have only left MY MAN for five minutes
pumping gas and he has found another woman who wants to take a ride. Then
he continues…..”She is in Terry’s Club and she is part of the Queenstown group
that started at 2:00…..I think ….they
have already caught up with us….are we gonna be in deep doodoo trying to keep
up with them on these curvy roads?
Two thumbs up.....on the handle bars!
Yes, the Wakatipu Club (named after the Queenstown Lake
Wakatipu) had caught up to us and was stopping for a coffee break. They
recognized Terry’s red Gold Wing and knew who we were immediately. I think
these Kiwis (What New Zealander’s are
called) were as curious about us, Americans as we were about them.
Anyway….I think….Larry is probably thinking the same thing about their quick arrival… so we tell them that we are gonna mosey on so we can stop for a few more photo stops. We didn’t get very far down the road till they zoomed right on by us, leaving us in the fumes of their Harleys, BMWS, and Triumph….one couple, two women riders, and four men riders…. Ten people including us….eight bikes in all. Were we in for one memorable trip!
Anyway….I think….Larry is probably thinking the same thing about their quick arrival… so we tell them that we are gonna mosey on so we can stop for a few more photo stops. We didn’t get very far down the road till they zoomed right on by us, leaving us in the fumes of their Harleys, BMWS, and Triumph….one couple, two women riders, and four men riders…. Ten people including us….eight bikes in all. Were we in for one memorable trip!
Jenny zooming by!
The area had turned from a brown, golden desert color to lush green...just a few hours later.
That evening, Larry and I pulled into Fox Glacier around
7:30pm. We had a wonderful dinner with a couple from Queenstown…..Pete and Kim
Nicolsom…..They happened to be in a car that we followed for quite a ways into
Fox Glacier. Being old motorcyclists, they were watching us without us even
knowing it as we both headed north. Somehow we both ended at the same highly
recommended restaurant eating right beside each other and instantly became
The next morning, our whole group left Fox Glacier at 9:00AM
sharp and headed north for a 30 kilometer ride to have breakfast in the quaint
little town of Franz Josef…home of the Franz Josef Glacier.
How thrilling it was to pull out together….all that varoom-varoom sound heading up Route 6 passing through Hokitika and turning off onto Route 73, taking a country road to Lake Brunner , stopping at Moana to enjoy lunch with a sensational view of the lake.
A buns break!
My favorite!
As the day wore on we got to know each of these cool Kiwi’s. All were still working and had taken a couple of days off to ride this unbelievable route through the northern part of the south island. Kiwi’s general retirement age is 65.
Lots of bikers stopped in this little western town.
How thrilling it was to pull out together….all that varoom-varoom sound heading up Route 6 passing through Hokitika and turning off onto Route 73, taking a country road to Lake Brunner , stopping at Moana to enjoy lunch with a sensational view of the lake.
A buns break!
Across the street was a vintage bike shop....Men's kinda shopping!
License plates were proudly displayed from all over the world.
My favorite!
Larry loved seeing these oldies!
Wow...about as interesting to me as watching paint dry!
Reminded him of his little wonderer in Clearwater Beach!
As the day wore on we got to know each of these cool Kiwi’s. All were still working and had taken a couple of days off to ride this unbelievable route through the northern part of the south island. Kiwi’s general retirement age is 65.
They all had a love of curvy roads and going fast….many
having their own radar detectors. Larry and I
were constantly passed after taking off from a break in riding. Our 1800
Gold Wing just didn’t like to take those curves quite so fast and so we were
always trying to play catch up on the straight ways.
We were actually the snails in the group. HA….the snails who got a speeding ticket. Yes, clocked at 124 kilometers….the policeman sitting on the side of the road got out of his car and flagged us over. Uh-oh! My man….got a ticket. His first since he was sixteen years old. How dare this Kiwi cop break Larry’s long no ticket record!
When we got to our next break from riding….the one couple that was behind us asked why we stopped. Larry told them that he was asking the cop for directions. HA...they believed it! This really isn't a serious group...they just couldn't believe that we got a ticket when they realized what really happened!
Another one in the group who had been ahead of us, Jason, said the same cop had waved him over. He said he was doing 130….no wonder we couldn’t keep up. Jason said he just waved back and kept going. Why didn’t they tell us about this little trick?
Jason didn’t stop because he said that if he got another ticket they were going to take his license….Jason did get a ticket two days later….Was he ever livid! Anyway, from that point on….with no radar detector….we just let them fly ahead and didn’t worry about trying to keep up. Terry’s comfy bike was known as the “lead wing” ….we really didn’t mind….comfort over speed at our age is mighty fine.
Lunch time.....
Mark and Kim were the only other two up couple on a windshield-less Harley! Don't know how they did that without getting totally blown away!
We were actually the snails in the group. HA….the snails who got a speeding ticket. Yes, clocked at 124 kilometers….the policeman sitting on the side of the road got out of his car and flagged us over. Uh-oh! My man….got a ticket. His first since he was sixteen years old. How dare this Kiwi cop break Larry’s long no ticket record!
Group break after the policeman break!
When we got to our next break from riding….the one couple that was behind us asked why we stopped. Larry told them that he was asking the cop for directions. HA...they believed it! This really isn't a serious group...they just couldn't believe that we got a ticket when they realized what really happened!
Another one in the group who had been ahead of us, Jason, said the same cop had waved him over. He said he was doing 130….no wonder we couldn’t keep up. Jason said he just waved back and kept going. Why didn’t they tell us about this little trick?
This club is the COOLEST!
Jason didn’t stop because he said that if he got another ticket they were going to take his license….Jason did get a ticket two days later….Was he ever livid! Anyway, from that point on….with no radar detector….we just let them fly ahead and didn’t worry about trying to keep up. Terry’s comfy bike was known as the “lead wing” ….we really didn’t mind….comfort over speed at our age is mighty fine.
Lunch time.....
The Kiwis really know how to dine outside.... the scenery is always enjoyed.
Our lunch time stunning!
After lunch our mighty leader, Des, lead us up Route 7 from Stillwater to Reefton
following the gorgeous Grey River. From Reefton we took Route 69 turning left
at Inangahua Junction on to Route 6 going back into Westport.
What a rip roaring good day!
After a brief break, we mounted our bikes for the last leg of the trip taking Route 67 up the coast with sweeping views of the Karamea Bight and the Tasman Sea riding through the Southern Alps.
This was the most twisty, turny, curvy road so far….just a real cracker jack of a road….a motorcyclist’s dream….and my nightmare a few times!
When we finally arrived around 7:30pm, everyone’s bum was in full numb condition!
We were really happy to dismount and put the bikes away in the corral for the night. Dinner together was a hoot. We all got to recount the day’s events and a few that had happened in the previous years! The Wakatipu Club could really tell some hilarious stories! OMG! What a fun group to be riding with!
What a rip roaring good day!
After a brief break, we mounted our bikes for the last leg of the trip taking Route 67 up the coast with sweeping views of the Karamea Bight and the Tasman Sea riding through the Southern Alps.
This was the most twisty, turny, curvy road so far….just a real cracker jack of a road….a motorcyclist’s dream….and my nightmare a few times!
When we finally arrived around 7:30pm, everyone’s bum was in full numb condition!
We were really happy to dismount and put the bikes away in the corral for the night. Dinner together was a hoot. We all got to recount the day’s events and a few that had happened in the previous years! The Wakatipu Club could really tell some hilarious stories! OMG! What a fun group to be riding with!
The next morning, Larry and I headed out a little earlier
than the gang….knowing that they would catch ole “lead wing” sooner or later.
So back down the most twisty, turny, curvy road again stopping in Westport for
a bum break.

From there we continued down one of the most breath taking coastal routes in the world stopping for lunch in Greymouth (an old coalmining town on the sea).
I love the New Zealand Fern Trees!
Here it started a misty rain.
After lunch we donned our rain suits and rode back to Route 7 passing through Reefton and Springs Junction. We luckily out ran the rain just a few miles out of town.
We followed Inangahua and Lewis River going through Lewis Pass…What MAGNIFICENT views of mountains and water.
Hanmer Springs has some gorgeous mountains surrounding it!
We made it before 5...Incredible!
Arriving at Hanmer Springs around 4:30pm....earlier than the past two provoked the thought of a cat nap before dinner! Dinner was the infamous NZ Blue Cod, chips and the freshest garden salad. Larry and I walked back to our room at the Top Ten Hotel with huge smiles about our day’s journey.
From there we continued down one of the most breath taking coastal routes in the world stopping for lunch in Greymouth (an old coalmining town on the sea).
I love the New Zealand Fern Trees!
Here it started a misty rain.
We stopped for a little lunch in Greymouth.
Des, Steve, Kay, Mark, Kim, Erin, Jenny, Jason (left to right)
After lunch we donned our rain suits and rode back to Route 7 passing through Reefton and Springs Junction. We luckily out ran the rain just a few miles out of town.
We followed Inangahua and Lewis River going through Lewis Pass…What MAGNIFICENT views of mountains and water.
Hanmer Springs has some gorgeous mountains surrounding it!
We made it before 5...Incredible!
Arriving at Hanmer Springs around 4:30pm....earlier than the past two provoked the thought of a cat nap before dinner! Dinner was the infamous NZ Blue Cod, chips and the freshest garden salad. Larry and I walked back to our room at the Top Ten Hotel with huge smiles about our day’s journey.
Sunday, Larry and I headed out early down Route 7 running
into Route 1….our group needed a later start….after all it was Sunday and they
all were planning to head back to work on Tuesday.
Pulling out of Hanmer Springs
The glacier fed river that we crossed going out of Hanmer Springs.
We passed numerous vineyards in the area.
No worries….The Wakatipu Club caught up to us!
What a rock formation!
Larry and I stopped in Christchurch just to take a look at the earthquake damage that took place back in 2011.
So sad to see this center piece of Christchurch, the old Cathedral, crumbled to the ground from the earthquake. They are still deciding whether to rebuild or refurbish....five years what is the hold up?
We were so shocked to see so many empty lots, boarded up buildings, and the beautiful old cathedral crumbled in places. It was not the same scenic Christchurch that we had visited seven years previously! What a shame! This had been such a beautiful city that had been turned upside down by an awful earthquake. They are still recovering with aftershocks rocking the area…the last largest occurred February 14…just weeks ago....5.6 on the rector scale….That is nothing to ignore.
Pulling out of Hanmer Springs
The glacier fed river that we crossed going out of Hanmer Springs.
We passed numerous vineyards in the area.
No worries….The Wakatipu Club caught up to us!
What a rock formation!
Larry and I stopped in Christchurch just to take a look at the earthquake damage that took place back in 2011.
We were so shocked to see so many empty lots, boarded up buildings, and the beautiful old cathedral crumbled in places. It was not the same scenic Christchurch that we had visited seven years previously! What a shame! This had been such a beautiful city that had been turned upside down by an awful earthquake. They are still recovering with aftershocks rocking the area…the last largest occurred February 14…just weeks ago....5.6 on the rector scale….That is nothing to ignore.
We rode on toward our next stop.... Akaroa, a couple of hours outside of Christchurch.
To Larry and me, this is real eye candy!
After lunch we all varroomed out to Route 75, another twisty
turny road that lead us to scenic Akaroa, a seaside French village on
Canterbury Bight. What gorgeous views! What picturesque blue waters!
Awesome....can't believe my man brought me back here again!
Have you ever seen such a beautiful color for the water?
New Zealand is so clean and pristine! Love that about the country!
So fresh!
Just down right awesome!
What a quaint little piece of NZ!
Larry and I enjoyed an afternoon here seven years ago, capturing one of the most colorful sunsets of our life....after all the sunsets we have seen since then, it is funny how we remember this particular one as one of the best of our lifetime.
Settled right in.... to enjoy the view off the deck of our private cabin!
It is interesting how the pitch of the sun determines the color of the waters in NZ....we actually watched it change as the day closed.
Our cabin was high on a hill, making our walk into town a downhill dream, but a breathless crazy adventure finding our way back up after dark. Oh what fun! Several other Wakatipu Club members from Queenstown joined us here for the ride home making our group more than a dozen! WEEEEEE!
Awesome....can't believe my man brought me back here again!
Have you ever seen such a beautiful color for the water?
New Zealand is so clean and pristine! Love that about the country!
So fresh!
Just down right awesome!
What a quaint little piece of NZ!
Larry and I enjoyed an afternoon here seven years ago, capturing one of the most colorful sunsets of our life....after all the sunsets we have seen since then, it is funny how we remember this particular one as one of the best of our lifetime.
Settled right in.... to enjoy the view off the deck of our private cabin!
Erin was clowning around....jumping into our picture...wouldn't it be funny to send her a Christmas Card with her in it!
Another great meal outside!!!! We just love eating outside !Our cabin was high on a hill, making our walk into town a downhill dream, but a breathless crazy adventure finding our way back up after dark. Oh what fun! Several other Wakatipu Club members from Queenstown joined us here for the ride home making our group more than a dozen! WEEEEEE!
So long to our little cabin on the hill!
The next morning two cruise ships had pulled into the
harbor….numerous excursion buses and vans were all about! Larry and I decided
to eat a quick breakfast and head out to beat following the caravan of excursion buses!
Wish we had time to walk this water front village this morning!
It was the coolest morning of all six days of our ride. We turned the heated seats and heated hand grips on and ducked behind the windshield ... got toastier as the day warmed up!
We cut through at Tai Tpa passing through Lincoln and Leeston catching Route 1 South to Rakaia. We were supposed to meet Wakatipu Club (who had gone back into Christchurch to go to the Triump Dealership) in Geraldine. Larry and I arrived about 12:30pm.
While undressing….taking off our helmets, coats, and other riding apparel, a gentleman approached us saying, “You must be Larry.” Surprised, that someone recognized my man in this part of the world. He continued, “I know all about you from talking with Terry and Karen. We ride with them and I recognized the bike.” I think Terry and Karen have the only red Honda Gold Wing on the South Island. Anyway, he was a fun chap to chat with while waiting for our group.
Wish we had time to walk this water front village this morning!
Life is good...on this 1800 Gold Wing!
We took a scenic tourist route out of the village capturing some more
beautiful views!
It was the coolest morning of all six days of our ride. We turned the heated seats and heated hand grips on and ducked behind the windshield ... got toastier as the day warmed up!
We cut through at Tai Tpa passing through Lincoln and Leeston catching Route 1 South to Rakaia. We were supposed to meet Wakatipu Club (who had gone back into Christchurch to go to the Triump Dealership) in Geraldine. Larry and I arrived about 12:30pm.
While undressing….taking off our helmets, coats, and other riding apparel, a gentleman approached us saying, “You must be Larry.” Surprised, that someone recognized my man in this part of the world. He continued, “I know all about you from talking with Terry and Karen. We ride with them and I recognized the bike.” I think Terry and Karen have the only red Honda Gold Wing on the South Island. Anyway, he was a fun chap to chat with while waiting for our group.
Did I mention that
today was the coldest days of our ride? After a warming bowl of pumpkin soup
for lunch, we loaded up and headed down Route 8 stopping at Lake Tekapo(Another
gorgeous lake) to say our final farewells.
The Club was heading back to Queenstown. Larry and I had decided to vere off to Lake Pukaki heading north to Mount Cook, the tallest mountain on the South Island. Everyone agreed that we should not miss this part of the South Island. They were right! It was SO spectacular! The water was the most awesome aqua blue. The sun hit it just right to make it look unreal! It was surrounded by rocky alpine mountains. Unbelievable scenery! We followed the road all the way to the end of highway 80 simply speechless from all the beauty! About the last 15 kilometers, the clouds rolled in and rain started to fall. Oh no! We came to the end of the road to see the Mount Cook covered by massive clouds and fog. How can this happen so quickly!
The Club was heading back to Queenstown. Larry and I had decided to vere off to Lake Pukaki heading north to Mount Cook, the tallest mountain on the South Island. Everyone agreed that we should not miss this part of the South Island. They were right! It was SO spectacular! The water was the most awesome aqua blue. The sun hit it just right to make it look unreal! It was surrounded by rocky alpine mountains. Unbelievable scenery! We followed the road all the way to the end of highway 80 simply speechless from all the beauty! About the last 15 kilometers, the clouds rolled in and rain started to fall. Oh no! We came to the end of the road to see the Mount Cook covered by massive clouds and fog. How can this happen so quickly!
Another example of how the sun controls the color of the NZ spectacular!
Just Plain Magnificent!
That is really the color of the was so amazing!!!!
Look what happens to the water when the sun goes behind a cloud.
What a foggy scene! This is what we found upon our arrival!
So happy to see this place with the rain coming !
The Hermitage Hotel
We made a mad dash to park the bike under the covering in
the front of the hotel....rain drops were falling on our ....helmets! We spent our final night in the fabulous Hermitage
Hotel in the National Park. We had a fine dinner with a cloudy view of the
mountains. OH WELL….The best part…
Larry got up the next morning to find the most fabulous sunrise out on our balcony amongst the mountains that were no longer covered in foggy clouds! Mount Cook lay right before us in all her grandeur.
It changed quickly during the morning....fogged in one minute and...Larry got up the next morning to find the most fabulous sunrise out on our balcony amongst the mountains that were no longer covered in foggy clouds! Mount Cook lay right before us in all her grandeur.
clear the next....tallest mountain on the South Island of NZ.
Enjoying every last minute of Mount Cook and the Gold Wing ride!
After a buffet breakfast, we headed the “lead wing” down
the same highway. The views were just not as spectacular as the day before. The
sun put a shimmer on the water that did not allow for the aqua to shine
through....until we stopped to look back toward Mount Cook!
It was amazing how the water changed to aqua when we looked back toward Mount Cook....of course the sun came out nice and bright about that time.
We enjoyed the ride back to Queenstown going through some
narrow valleys along the Lindis River and Lake Dunstan.
The New Zealand sheep farms are nice to spot.
What a ride!
The land was full of orchards
and vineyards. It reminded us of the bread basket in California….very dry and
brown unless it was irrigated. We arrived back in Frankton about 3:00pm. WHAT
Now we have lots of good memories of our South Island motorbike trip!
Queenstown, New Zealand
Wednesday-Thursday, March
9-17, 2016
Larry and I had to regroup….do laundry….ugh…riding and
seeing spectacular NZ was so much more fun! Seriously, it felt good to just
kick back, eat some good home cooking and soak in the view of our wonderful
little Queenstown home. We hiked the trails along the lake and took a couple of
trips into town to look at all the changes that had taken place.
Queenstown had become a busy hub….Traffic…Oh My! It wasn’t like this seven years ago… two lanes leading in and out, the area had been found by outsiders making the traffic ridiculous. All of our NZ friends told us to not tell anyone about the south island….believe me…we are not telling a soul to keep this area a secret …but how do you control the rest of the visitors that are presently enjoying all this iconic beauty....I'm sure they will blab all about it.
Queenstown had become a busy hub….Traffic…Oh My! It wasn’t like this seven years ago… two lanes leading in and out, the area had been found by outsiders making the traffic ridiculous. All of our NZ friends told us to not tell anyone about the south island….believe me…we are not telling a soul to keep this area a secret …but how do you control the rest of the visitors that are presently enjoying all this iconic beauty....I'm sure they will blab all about it.
Queenstown has been ranked the number one city in the world
for adventure. I believe it….besides hiking, biking, boating,
parasailing, paddle boarding,
camping, fishing, snow skiing, wind surfing, rock climbing, jet skiing…parachuting
off the rocks, kayaking, heli-skiing, glacier walking, world famous bungi jumping (started here),
and what in the world this guy is doing….
WOW! That looks totally incredible….if
only I was just few years younger.
We rode the bike up to Kingston one evening. What a fabulous
little two hour ride! Mountains and cliffs on one side of the road and the
gorgeous Wanakipu Lake on the other! A big rain cloud came upon us spitting at
us so we turned back toward Queenstown and arrived just before dark. How
lucky were we to skirt another NZ storm.
Friday night we went out to Queenstown with the Wakatipu
Club. What a great pub! Gas fireplace on the outside so you could sit out amongst
the mountains and enjoy the awesome evening. I cozied up to the fire and met a
couple of new folks….Mary…a local Harley trickster….been from Halifax to San
Fran and Miami to Montreal on a bike….my hero. She was a rootin tootin
grannie….reminded me of Grandma Clark!
Mary with the pink hair
Gosh darn, she told some hilarious stories!
Then there was also, Dennis, who tried to top her. Larry and I split our sides
at their tales of visiting the USA…for the past five years in a row. They must love the US to come there five years in a row.
Dennis and Larry
Wakatipu Club members
Larry, Jenny, and Des
Saturday, we took off on the BIG RED Wings heading for Terry
and Karen’s home in Balfour….about an hour and half south of Queenstown. The
coldest morning greeted us and we felt it get cooler and cooler as we headed
south. More STUPENDOUS scenery!
The farms have tall trees and hedges that act as wind breakers.
farms of cattle, deer, and sheep were all along the roads, the further south we
Terry and Karen's Farm....Hillend
Terry and Karen used to have a 3000 acre farm with sheep and deer. They
sold all but 300 acres seven years ago and moved into a lovely home that sits
up on a knoll with a million dollar view of the mountain. We were fortunate to
meet three of their four lovely daughters who had two of their new little
grandsons visiting as well….
Kay and Hunter....or was it Harrison?
I got to be in three month old baby heaven for a little bit of the
day. Terry took Larry out to show him his hanger for his could tell it was his pride and joy .Terry’s plane
was out of commission …with the starter in Welliington on the North Island
getting fixed.
Terry with his pride and joy
However, Terry’s friend, David offered to take Larry and me up
for a spin around the area. I declined. Larry said, “OH BOY” and was soon up
and whizzing the plane over the house.
Larry before his fine ride....
I went out on the deck to take a look at
the plane….it was doing loop da loops. SO GLAD I HAD DECLINED. The plane only
seats two….the driver and the passenger….so I would have had to go after Larry
got back. After seeing Larry’s trip….I was really glad I said, “NO, thank you
Dennis after giving Larry a ride!
Dennis takes his plane down into river beds to fish...can you imagine how wonderful this must be to go inland to a secluded spot to fish....He left us for on such trip today.
It was thrilling to watch the plane come out of the hanger
and just take off from the top of the hill right next to the house.
Terry and Karen's home town, Balfour
Larry came
back thrilled from being given a lesson….He actually got to handle the stick,
banking the plane to the right and left as well as up and down. I think this
little experience has nurtured his old desire to learn to fly.
Terry and Karen's farm....from up in the sky!
We had a lovely lunch out on the deck and enjoyed an
afternoon with the Wilkins family. They made us feel like we had been a part of
the clan for a long time….We headed back to Queenstown, enjoying the same trip
of the morning…only backwards!
New Zealand is full of great curvy rides!
That evening I fixed a meal of NZ mussels. Larry
and I fell in love with the New Zealand seafood seven years ago….so this was a
treat we had been looking forward to. We enjoyed the evening watching
British/Australian/ New Zealand television….great shows about traveling in India
on a train, traveling in Madagascar, Africa, and history of the Tower of
London. These shows were so interesting….at least to us. Wish we could get them
in the US.
Sunday morning, Terry and Karen drove into Queenstown to
have tea with us at 8:30AM before loading up the red Gold Wing for a trip north to
Picton to meet 5 biker friends who were coming on the ferry from Wellington. They
were excited to see this group because they had traveled the USA together on a
motorcycle trip previously. They had planned to go for a five day ride up north in
the same area that we went with Wakatipu Club....these folks were in for a real treat! It was their first visit to NZ!
Jimminy Crickets....Terry and Karen look like us!
We hated to see the bike go, but
even more so, we hated to see Terry and Karen go. Unsure of when we would be seeing them again,
it was a tearful good-bye.
Another day we rode up to Glenorchy…44 kilometers north west
of Queenstown.
What a ride.....even in a car it was fantastic!
What a man!
New Zealand at its best!!!
So spectacular!Larry is getting pretty good at getting a selfie!
What gorgeous scenery....not a bad looking couple too!
Same ole thing….terrific mountain
views and superb lake views of the Wakatipu. How AWESOME was that!
Glenorchy was in a gorgeous setting of mountains, clouds and blue sky! We spotted a glacier just over the mountain.
New Zealand
is just one incredible country!
Such beauty!
Tuesday evening we enjoyed having dinner with Jenny, Erin and
Des….right down the street from our place at the FAT... Frankton Arms Tavern...Frankton's local pub. I enjoyed trying the NZ red
cider…quite tasty. Larry had pork belly and I went for the NZ Blue Cod…one more
The group followed us back to our pad to watch the India trip that Des and Erin had taken in October on motorbikes. Wow, did we get an eye full of India. It reminded us a lot of East Timor. They were thrilled with their trip and were currently planning to do a motorbike trip to Japan in 2017. Sound like fun! It was sad to give final hugs and goodbyes to these great folks. We really enjoyed our time in New Zealand with them ....tremendously!
The group followed us back to our pad to watch the India trip that Des and Erin had taken in October on motorbikes. Wow, did we get an eye full of India. It reminded us a lot of East Timor. They were thrilled with their trip and were currently planning to do a motorbike trip to Japan in 2017. Sound like fun! It was sad to give final hugs and goodbyes to these great folks. We really enjoyed our time in New Zealand with them ....tremendously!
Our final day we enjoyed the morning walking around Arrowtown….a Chinese gold mining settlement of the 1800’s.
China man's hut
Mine entrance
It was nice to capture the end....
of summer's splender and....
and the beginnings of the arrival of fall!
The last time we were in Arrowtown
the leaves were all golden yellow. Today the foliage had just a hint of the fall
approaching. After a great stroll around the shops we headed back to Queenstown
to pack up for our departure to Auckland on the North Island.
We are a little sad about leaving our new friends and
this beautiful land….The New Zealand South Island was a fantastic adventure
that we will never forget!
Farewell to Queenstown, Frankton, and the beautiful Wakatipu Lake!
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