Saturday, May 4, 2013

Capri, Italy

 Island of Capri, Italy      Friday, April 26, 2013

After a great breakfast, Larry and I left the boat to take a ferry to the Island of Capri. The ferry terminal was a short walk from our ship's port . We found a long line of people buying tickets to the three islands off of Naples. It was a beautiful sunny day and we thought, "There are a lot of people who are taking a three day weekend." Little did we know that it was a National Holiday in Italy and people were planning a long weekend away from their home. We found this out after we arrived in Capri seeing a ton of people on the street. Anyway, Larry bought two tickets to Capri paying 40 Euros each for tickets both ways.

                                                     Waiting for the ferry to Capri

Love watching this guy sweep up the cigarette his broom.

We had a great smooth ride on a two decker boat across the bay talking with a French lady. Larry enjoyed using his IPOD to have a conversation with her since he did not speak French and she did not speak English.

We enjoyed taking pictures of the beach and high rock walls that tower to the sky. The small marina has boats docked side by side.

The line on the funicular to the top was so long that we decided to walk the 2.5 kilometers to the top. It was an fantastic stroll with the views getting better at each turn on the narrow road. Taxis and minibuses passed by us as we journeyed up, up, up.


The road seemed to get narrower as we followed. We came to a set of stairs leading straight up the hillside. We followed several couples who were heading that way....sort of a short cut and a lot steeper than the road we had followed.


When we arrived at the top....City Center of Capri..... we saw many sidewalk cafes, a beautiful church and a fabulous view of the sea and the rocks that went high into the sky.

                                                                    What a view!

It was a gorgeous view and we found a park bench to just sit and enjoy it well as recoup from the trip up.

We decided to call Kristy because she was here on her fifth anniversary....unfortunately, the call would go through for only a few seconds and then it would cut off. After a few short conversations, we said, "Heck!" and gave up. Internet in this part of the world has been a mixed bag. Oh well, we decided to have a little lunch and then headed back down the mountain after exploring the top of this hillside of shops, cafes and more marvelous views.

We followed the curvy walkway down the hillside enjoying the flowers, lemon and orange trees and the unique doors to the homes. We passed a little lady who was carting her groceries up the hill....Boy! That would keep the ticker going! At the bottom of the hill, we sampled some Lemon Liquor. Bitter sweet and strong lemon flavor....not something that I enjoyed in the least.

We sat on the benches near the waterfront, did some shopping in the little shops that were scattered the waterfront area and then headed for our 2:40 ferry boat ride home. We enjoyed the view of Sorrento, Mount Vesuvius, and Naples on the way back! We had a fabulous day of seeing the Island of Capri and wondered if we would ever be back to this corner of the world again.


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